Dear Patients and Friends,

I hope that you and your families have been staying safe over the past couple of months during these unprecedented times.

As of May 26, 2020, the Province of Ontario has amended COVID-19 Directive #2 regarding Regulated Health Care Providers, which includes optometry.  Accordingly, optometrists are now permitted to provide non-urgent care to patients.  I am excited to announce that I will resume providing patient care as of Tuesday, June 2

The practice will be reopening with increased safety measures, including the following:

  • All of our doctors and staff will be equipped in personal protective equipment, including safety glasses and masks.

  • Plexiglass barriers have been installed at the reception desk.

  • Reduced patient appointments will be scheduled and will be booked in longer intervals to ensure that there is no overlap between patients.  This will also allow our staff sufficient time to sanitize the examination room and all equipment between patient appointments.

  • We will be asking all patients screening questions on the phone, in advance of booked appointments.  Any patients who have had a runny nose, fever, flu, change in sense of smell or have been in close contact with an individual suspected to have COVID-19, or have traveled out of the Province in the preceding 14 days will not be permitted to be seen until symptoms have subsided.  We also ask that if you have any symptoms, traveled or have been in close contact with an individual suspected to have COVID-19 that you please cancel your booked appointment to ensure safety to other patients, our staff and doctors.  If you have an urgent concern but we are not able to see you in person, we will continue to offer Telehealth consultations until it is safe to rebook an in-person appointment.  To ensure that adequate screening can be completed, we will also not be permitting walk-in patient appointments at this time.

  • Our main entrance will be locked to ensure that only those patients with booked appointments may enter the premises at designated times.

  • We have increased cleaning and sanitization procedures throughout the optical and in the examination room.

  • At this time, in accordance with College guidelines, we are unfortunately not able to offer new contact lens fittings and instruction for patients.  This is due to the potential spread of COVID-19 through ocular surfaces.  If you currently wear contact lenses, the following link is a helpful resource to consult:

We are requesting the following from all of our patients:

  • All patients must come to booked appointments with a face covering or mask.

  • Please arrive at your appointment alone unless accompanying a minor or senior who requires assistance.

  • All patients will be required to use hand sanitizer upon arrival at the optical.

  • Please leave all unnecessary belongings at home or in your vehicle.

Patient Appointments

If you have previously contacted the office or myself personally to schedule an appointment, I will be reaching out in the coming days either by telephone or email to schedule an appointment.  If you would like to schedule an appointment, please email me at: or call the office at 416-233-5472.

The safety of our patients and their families is paramount.  If you have any questions about safety measures going forward, please do not hesitate to reach out to me by telephone or email.  We look forward to seeing you all soon in a safe manner.


Dr. Laurie